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Tullybeg, Perthshire 

New House

- Client - Private

- Contractor - Self Build / Donald Fraser

- Structural Engineer - Jake Maclean

- Heat Source - Air Source Heat Pump, Panels

- Completed - 2021

- Build Cost - £240,000

The small site sits on a north facing slope on the edge of a small rural settlement, with neighbouring housing to the north and west. It was formerly the edge of the garden to the Old Schoolhouse building adjacent, and in 2016 permission was sought to construct a new two bedroom house that would nestle in to the gentle incline.  The owner wanted to get as much light as possible into the living areas, so it was designed as an upside down house, with the 'darker' bedrooms and utility spaces downstairs, and the living room and kitchen on the first floor, which benefit from natural daylight through multiple roof windows. Careful window placement avoids overlooking neighbouring properties. ​To the south, a large picture window from the kitchen faces the wild meadow and woodland, while to the north, a small elevated picture window frames the hills in the distance. The two dormer windows sit at opposite corners of the building, mirroring the elevations and catching private views of the surrounding landscape and hills, while on the ground floor the windows address the private wildflower garden to the east ​The house is of modest size, at around 120m2. The materials used are of traditional type and allow the building to sit quietly in the context. Internally, natural materials are employed to create warm, calm spaces.

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